Monday, June 27, 2011

Musician...Educate Thyself! If you want a record deal, learn what a record deal is, and learn something about the business of music.

Naive or mis-informed musicians are a menace to themselves. Enough already!
Over the decades there have been countless stories of musicians who were ripped off by their record labels and music publishing companies. Why? Exploitation was the name of the game for a long time. Keeping musicians in the dark was standard business practice. However, the past has passed, and today any musicians who sign a record contract (and learns later what he or she signed) have only themselves to blame. Even 20 years ago, it wasn’t that easy to gain access to the inner workings of the music business.(There are more letters in the word business than in the word music.)
Today there are dozens of outstanding books available on every conceivable topic related to the business of music. They can be found in bookstores, libraries, and through the Internet. In addition, there are many schools that now offer 2- 4 year programs on the business of music. Seminars, and workshops are available on a year round basis in most major American cities. Consultants, Attorneys, and Business Organizations are all around and so it is only myth, superstition, stubbornness, and immaturity that stand in the way of any musician making a commitment to educating themselves about the business that exists to exploit their music.
I cannot stress how important I feel this issue is. I am here to tell you, one and all, that you have been told many things about music that you did believe. "Spend money on quality instruments and equipment"... you have done that. "Spend time and money on practicing and rehearsing", you have done that, for the most part."Spend time and money finding the best recording studio, producer and engineer you can"... you have done that. "Spend time and money learning all you can about the business of music"... well, no one told you to do that did they?!
It has been said about education that we don’t know anything until someone tells us. If that is true, the fault in "not telling" musicians that they MUST spend some time and money on educating themselves on music business issues is the fault of the businessmen and women who kept their clients uninformed. (Ignorance IS bliss as far as the old guard of music executives are concerned). But,KNOWLEDGE IS BLISS should be the byword for the musician of the new millennium. Please...spend some time and money educating yourselves about the music business, a few hours now, can protect your future forever

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