Monday, June 6, 2011

Tip of the Day "FREE FREE FREE"

Play live often and don’t worry (at  first) about getting paid for every gig. 

You can always tell the difference between an Artist who is in it for the money, and an Artist who is in it for the music. The dedicated Artist can’t not play music every chance they get. Money-focused artists whine about the fact that they can't get club gigs that pay anything. If you really think that you can make your living solely as an artist in the first three to four years of your career, you are headed for a breakdown and disappointment. Think about it... almost every legendary, gifted artist who has made a mark on our culture has been an artist who struggled long and hard at their craft, and never gave up. Eat determination for breakfast! Go out there and play on the streets if you have to, play at schools, fairs, festivals, do benefits to help other people and organizations. Offer your services to non-profits, charities, church groups, and any other companies or organizations you can think of. Hang out at clubs, look for possibilities. Look around your city or town, and you will see many places and venues where artists can perform. As you establish yourself and more and more people show up at your shows, the paid gigs will increase. Remember... play live, and then after you play live, play live again, that’s what artists are supposed to do.

Dont forget to visit for great rates on studio time, videos and photography.


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